Future Seminars

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Current Seminar

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
11:30am to 1:00pm

3080 Olcott Street, Suite 110B
Santa Clara, CA 95054

$75, lunch included
No charge for current Safeeon consulting clients.
Pay at the door or send check to Safeeon address above.


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Building Small Business Success that Lasts

A thought-provoking seminar that will help you focus on the big picture — defining what success means in your business, gaining insights on how to achieve it, and learning fresh ideas on how to keep it going.

What it’s about. Why do some small businesses fail within five years while others go on to long-term success? In all too many cases, it is because management just overlooked universal fundamentals that have little to do with the day-to-day mechanics of running the business.

That’s why this seminar was created — to help you focus on and apply core values and principles common to every successful business. The goal is to give you actionable advice that will make a positive difference now and at every stage of your future growth.

  • Defining what success means in your business
  • Balancing reality with expectations
  • The crucial difference between revenue and cash flow
  • Making money last – separating wants from needs
  • Marketing isn’t sales and sales isn’t marketingv
  • Dealing with the risk/reward equation
  • Building trust with customers, vendors, and employees
  • Factors to consider before buying or starting a business

Who Should Attend? The focus is on owners/managers of small businesses that are already up and running at some level. This ensures a more direct, personal involvement. Individuals considering a small business are welcome as space is available.

Nothing to buy, no further obligations. Just bring an open mind and a willingness to participate. There will be plenty of time for questions. And we won’t ask for any business-confidential information.

Your guide is Javed S. Khan, a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur who started his own small business in 1991 with no money but plenty of determination. Within 15 years — with no debt or outside financing — the business was a consistently profitable $132M organization, providing IT solutions to commercial and government customers nationwide. Mr. Khan sold the company in 2006 and now devotes himself to helping others achieve their dreams. Mr. Khan has an MSME from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

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