Introducing Safeeon Inc.

Safeeon, Inc. is a venture founded by successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur Javed Khan to help small businesses and emerging enterprises achieve sustainable success and growth across both commercial and public sector markets.

More than just a consulting service, Safeeon focuses on practical, common sense advice and support to give you a trusted one-on-one resource and an a la carte menu of services. We also believe that the foundation of success is the trust and confidence a company builds through ethical relationships. These are the underlying principles that guide us in all our dealings with clients, associates, and vendors.

How We Work

The way we work is simple. It starts with a no-obligation initial consultation. If we can help you, we will tell you how, then work with you to tailor an agreement that works for you and includes specific benchmarks. If we cannot help, we will tell you that as well and suggest other resources.

With Safeeon, you are not required to commit to a long-term arrangement unless we agree that it is mutually beneficial. Instead, we work with you to define your requirements and put together a specific, measurable Navigation tool symbolizing guidance service for small business owners.plan of action for specific tasks.

Maybe you want and need a full fledged business review. We can provide that. We can also help if you just have a question about a core function, like sales and marketing, cash flow, accounts payable, hiring the right team, procurement, sales compensation, vendor relationships/partnering, and other day-to-day operations and processes.

Either way, you receive the professional and personal attention you deserve. We know that you probably have many alternatives, so we make your success our ambition, no matter how small or large the assignment.

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